Moulton Parish Church

St Peter and St Paul, Moulton, Northants

Moulton Tots
Hello, I am Julia Alexander co-ordinator of Moulton Tots.
Moulton Tots is our group open to all families with children aged 0 to 5 years living in Moulton and the surrounding area. Please note we have changed, effective from September 2024, our Wednesday time and venue, details below

We provide mornings which include play, songs, craft, snack time and interactive Bible story time, with continuous coffee and tea available for all the parents, grandparents and carers who come.
Each half term we have a theme for our crafts, songs, stories. There is a charge of £3 per family per session and no booking is required. We end each half- term with 'Tots Celebrations' held in church on the Monday and Wednesday.
We celebrate Harvest, Christmas, Easter as well as other special occasions. We have toys, crafts, special snacks& refreshments plus extra special story and song time.
Please email
We would love to see you.
Julia and the Moulton Tots Team
Dates This Term
27th/29th Jan: I wear...
3rd/5th Feb: I can do...
10th/12th Feb: LOVE Celebration in church
17th/19th Feb Half term holiday NO session
Spring Time
24th/26th Feb: Dancing daffodils
3rd/5th Mar: Pancake fun
10th/12th Mar: Hop, skip & Jump
17th/19th Mar: Twirling Tulips
24th/26th Mar: Amazing Mums
31st Mar/2nd Apr Easter Celebration in church