Moulton Parish Church
St Peter and St Paul, Moulton, Northants
'God loves a cheerful giver' 2 Cor. 8:9
God has given us so much in Christ. The result of receiving from Him is that we want to give to others and be like Him. As a church we commit each year to giving away 10% of all the income we get. This goes to our various overseas and UK mission partners.
If you'd like to join us in living generously you'll find details below of the various charitable trusts that support the work and ministries of Moulton Parish Church. Thanks for considering giving and may God richly bless you as you grow in generosity.
Moulton PCC
Money donated here pays for all our church running costs, anything from heating and lighting to paying for our summer holiday club and youth work running costs
Moulton Additional Staff Trust
Money given here pays for all our extra staff. That's our Children and Families Worker, our Associate Vicar, Youth Minister, and Women's Worker
You can give via bank transfer or cheque to the church office
Moulton Additional staff trust
Sort Code:30-96-09
Account No: 03324477
Moulton Emergency Fund
This fund exists separately to the PCC to meet emergency financial hardships in the church family on a short term basis.
You can give via bank transfer or a cheque to thee church office:
MPCEF Sort code: 60-15-55. A/C Number: 73959847
Peterborough Good Stewards Trust
Designed to fund regional partnerships between churches and fund new church plants. This fund pays for our Regional Associate Vicar